World Clean and Green Week is celebrated across 190 countries, where millions of people participate in various events to help improve the environment. It is generally observed from 17th September to 23rd September. While the origins of World Clean and Green Week are a bit mixed, it gained attention from people across the world when Estonians and Filipinos took collective action to reduce environmental pollution. Eventually, other countries also started participating in this initiative and cleaning parks, rivers, lakes, playgrounds, and other areas.
World Clean and Green Week was launched with a mission to help the surroundings and environment by keeping it clean for a healthy Earth. It motivates people to act and clean their surroundings, even when it could be something as little as picking something up off the ground and disposing of it properly.
What is Clean and Green Mobility Week?
Clean and Green Mobility Week was launched in response to the call for a cleaner, toxin-free, and greener environment.
European Mobility Week (EMW) starts on 16th September and ends on 22nd September with a car-free day every year, with a specific motto like clean air, multimodality, or sharing economy. This year's annual theme is "Save Energy." during this time, European cities and towns devote an entire week to sustainable mobility.
Even the simplest choices in daily life can have a big impact on making a significant difference and saving energy. It can be doing something as simple as choosing a cycle to work rather than a car or planning a vacation by rail instead of a plane.
This year, 2582 towns and cities have registered in 41 countries, and 548 new MOBILITY ACTIONS are registered by organizations other than cities.
Being mindful of a sustainable environment, Hiboy provides an electric mobility vehicle solution to keep the environment free from pollution. Now is the perfect opportunity to test new forms of clean mobility and progress towards a cleaner, greener, and sustainable environment.
The Range of Hiboy's Electric Mobility Solutions
Hiboy offers a variety of electric mobility vehicles, such as electric scooters, ebikes, kids' bikes and skateboards, to embrace the joy of moving and connect with your responsibilities seamlessly.
While electric bicycles are innovative, easy to operate, and cut down variable expenses, they also contribute to the environment by encouraging sustainable living.
Hiboy's electric bicycles and scooters offer zero emissions. They do not emit gases that might harm the environment. Additionally, they do not consume fossil fuels from deep within the planet and leave only a minimal carbon footprint on Earth. While lead batteries have a dangerous effect on the environment, electric bikes and scooters use lithium-ion batteries for a safe impact.
Electric bikes and scooters improve the planet's air quality and do not make unnecessary noise while in use, reducing noise pollution. As they are lightweight, roads are damaged less than traditional vehicles.
With a 1-year warranty and expert support, Hiboy offers free shipping with early delivery. Now can be the best time to take a step towards a healthier and sustainable environment.
Clean and Green Mobility Week Details
To participate in World Clean and Green Week, Hiboy has started a campaign celebrating "Hiboy Clean and Green Mobility Week" from 16th September to 22rd September.
Hiboy is providing heavy discounts, promotions, and other offers available in all-line products during "Hiboy Clean and Green Mobility Week." You can easily avail of up to $980 off on select vehicles. It is also offering irresistible and special offers with unbeatable deals for select and hot-selling electric scooters.
Valued customers will also be in for a free storage bag with their selected e-scooter.
Join our Share & Win activity, win $100 product coupon *3, view below page for details.
Partnering for a Greener Future
Everyone demands a greener future, but change comes from within. If you plan to buy an electric scooter, ebike, or a kids' bike, participate in "Hiboy Clean and Green Mobility Week" to make eco-conscious choices.
You can follow Hiboy on social media for all updates on "Hiboy Clean and Green Mobility Week" and share the blog post to spread the message of clean and green mobility.
Hiboy's reliable customer support team is always available to entertain your inquiries and provide personalized assistance before and after your purchase. You can connect with us on our social handles or contact the support team to resolve your queries and grievances.
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