The Ultimate Guide to Safe Nighttime Riding with Electric Scooter Lights

image Sep 01, 2024

image Leon Wang

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Electric Scooter Lights

Electric scooters are a safe, reliable, and convenient way of riding around the town that saves you from the parking hassle. Their small size and folding mechanism make them easy to keep and transport wherever you go. 

But riding or driving at night is a risky business as low traffic guides the route. So lighting is a must-have gear, especially for the riders of electric scooters.

This blog post discusses the best way to stay safe when riding your electric scooters at night and is a comprehensive resource for maximizing safety using electric scooter lights.

We will highlight the importance of nighttime visibility and mention the three main electric scooter lights for a safe ride. While some scooters have poor lighting, you can consider extra aftermarket lights for better visibility. So without losing your patience, let’s read ahead for a joyous and safe ride.  

Importance of Nighttime Visibility When You Riding Electric Scooter at Night

When you ride an electric scooter on the road, you are more vulnerable than other road users, and it increases significantly during nighttime. But visibility is crucial for safe riding at night; the more visible you are on a night ride, the better it becomes for others to see you.

Poor visibility can be caused by fog, heavy rain/snow, dust, pollution, and smoke and can dramatically increase the crash risk for drivers. 

Furthermore, there are potential risks and hazards associated with poor visibility, like increased speed variance increases crash risk.

You can avoid low visibility by;

  • Reducing your speed
  • Using low-beam headlights
  • Reducing obstacles to your vision
  • Riding on familiar routes
  • Avoiding distractions, and 
  • Identifying and responding to extremely low visibility conditions
  • Most importantly, stay off the roads to stay safe.

Three Types of Main Electric Scooter Lights That Matter to Your Riding Safe

There are many electric scooters with lights for adults and includes lights including front lights, rear lights, brake lights, turn signals, and LED strips. Let’s have a word on the first three main electric scooter lights for your riding safety. 

Front Lights 

A good main headlight is vital to help see correctly and be seen by other riders. These lights can be placed typically at the stem’s top/bottom, right in front of the wheel, or on the deck’s front. 

Rear Lights 

The electric scooter design is such that the rear light is placed very low and has poor visibility. However, it is vital to be seen from the rear so you can get a rear light clip-on to attach to your backpack or wear as a belt around the waist.

Brake Lights 

Most electric scooters do not have brake lights, but indeed, it is a good thing, and in fact, some states and countries require them. They are generally placed on the rear fender and have lower visibility, but unfortunately, there are no other options.  

Why Do Most Electric Scooters Have Poor Lighting?

Only a few electric scooters have proper lighting, while most have poor light. There are three significant reasons surrounding the issue. 

  • Lights drain the battery quicker 
  • Electric scooters are daytime vehicles 
  • Electric scooters are not assumed to have a robust light package 

Consider Extra Aftermarket Lights for Better Visibility

If your electric scooter lights are insufficient to produce enough light for proper visibility, you can consider extra aftermarket lights. Electric scooter accessories lights are dependent on many factors. So before choosing one, ensure to measure them on these factors.


Lumens are units of measurement that denote a light’s brightness. The lumens required by your electric scooters depend on the visibility of your riding conditions. For instance, well-lit places require 50-100 lumens, less-illuminated roads require 200 lumens, and unlit streets require 500 lumens.


Beam Distance and Angle 

Generally, the best electric scooter lights are the ones that brightly illuminate everything within at least 30 meters of distance. You can also settle for a side-to-side angle at which light is emitted but nothing less than 120 degrees. 

Lighting Modes 

Electric scooter lights are adjustable in most cases, and by reducing the brightness, you can use less energy and increase battery life. You can switch between flashing and continuous modes, where each mode has varying lumen levels and use less battery power.  

Run and Charge Time

The time for which an electric scooter light will depend rests on its charging levels, battery capacity, lumen level, and mode. The more charged the light, the longer it will last. Also, the size of the battery plays a crucial role. 

Water Resistance 

Most electric scooter lights are splashproof and function properly even when exposed to rain. An optimum light has an IP rating of X4 or more.

Attachment of Light

Some lights require installation depending on how it is built, and you can attach them to your electric scooters’ handlebars or high up on the stem. 

Additional Safety Measures When You Riding Electric Scooter at Night

Besides using electric scooter led lights, you must take additional safety measures to complement the use of electric scooter lights. For instance, you must;

  • Wear bright and reflective clothing like reflective vests and reflective jackets 
  • Use stickers on your electric scooter
  • Wear a helmet
  • Use protective gear like body armor, knee pads, and elbow pads
  • Use hand signals 
  • Check your tires for air pressure before night rides
  • Charge the battery and ensure your cables are secure
  • Stay alert while riding to be aware of your surroundings 
  • Avoid using headphones while riding 
  • Use a phone holder while using the navigation system on your phone
  • Keep your speed slow to react quickly when needed

The Bottom Line

While riding at night is exciting and fun, visibility is a primary concern for electric scooter riders. So you must have proper electric scooter lights for better and higher visibility. For instance, the built-in electric scooter lights may have poor visibility, so you can add extra accessories or carry a GoPro. 

Moreover, avoid unknown routes, stay focused while riding, and consider riding in well-lit areas. Of course, wearing your safety gear is a must for a safe ride. Also, maintain your electric scooter before taking it out during nighttime.