Hi boy:27 Sep, 2022

4 Tips for Taking Care of Your Electric Bike’s Battery

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One key aspect of maintaining your e-bike is taking care of the battery. Damage to the battery can impair the motorized functions of the bike, and that’s the last thing you want. Keep reading this guide for great tips on taking care of your electric bike’s battery.

Notice Battery Level

Don’t wait until your bike has no charge before plugging it in. While you may do this once in a while, if you get caught up in a long bike ride, doing this regularly can ruin the battery. Waiting until it hits 0 percent puts more stress on it, which could cause it to break sooner than it should.

Experts also advise against charging the batter to 100 percent unless you plan to ride shortly after charging. This is because having a fully charged battery sit for days without use also puts stress on it and can decrease its lifespan.


Time How Long You Charge

By this, we don’t mean to set a stopwatch to test how long it takes. Rather, set a timer so that you remember to unplug the battery. It’s easy to get caught up in other tasks, and you may forget about your e-bike, but leaving it plugged in for too long could cause it to overcharge. Remember, overcharging stresses the battery.


Properly Store Your Bike

Depending on where you live, you may need to put some extra thought into where you store your bike when you don’t use it. If you live in an area that’s below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or above 80 degrees Fahrenheit at certain times of the year, the bike should not go into a garage or shed. Ideally, your e-bike should be in a dry area with a moderate temperature between those ranges.

In addition to considering temperature, you should also ensure the environment where you house your bike is dry. Humidity or other sources of moisture could cause damage. Since the outdoor elements can be unpredictable, it may be best to store the e-bike somewhere in your house, such as in the basement.



In the off-season, make sure your battery stays close to 50 percent. Although you won’t use the bike at that time of year, keeping the charge level around there prevents damage. Check on your bike once a week; you may have to charge it despite its lack of use.

Use the Right Charger

We’ve all lost a charger for one of our belongings before, and usually, buying a new one at the store is the best solution. Sometimes, we don’t bother with the manufacturer’s brand because of the price. However, the manufacturer’s charger puts out the appropriate amount of energy to charge your e-bike battery. An off-brand one may put out too much or too little, and both could cause issues.

Shop at Hiboy

Knowing how to care for your e-bike battery helps ensure your bike lasts years of riding. Hiboy has electric bikes for sale, so browse our collection to find the ideal option. With knowledge on maintaining an e-bike battery and a great electric bike, you can go for longer, more comfortable rides and have the best experience.