How to Speed Up Your Electric Scooter With Five Simple Tricks

Leon Wang:27 Jul, 2023

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Today's modern transportation system has leveled up in efficiency and practicality. Moreover, with the introduction of electric scooters, a sense of cost-effectiveness has also hit users' minds. Plus, with an effective motor, there is no need to take the extra mile with physical exertion. But if you optimize the scooter speed, you have to modify electric scooter, and then you can see an enhanced performance of the vehicle. If the aerodynamics of the e-scooter is considered, then its speed can be increased by certain levels. All the modifications are done to make your e-scooter faster and go beyond the limits set by the manufacturers.  

Before moving towards modifying an e-scooter, let us throw some light on the laws and regulations set by local authorities.

Cautionary Note: Adhering to Local Laws and Regulations

With an increase in e-bike sales worldwide, there has been an imposition of local laws and regulations that provide for the rider's safety by setting speed limits. In most places, there is a speed limit of 20mph, and you may require a license to ride an e-bike. There may be some restrictions on age too for riding the e-bike. Most of the time, young and enthusiastic riders try to test the speed limits of their e-bikes and run them in the fastest mode available. 

Here we are mentioning some tips and tricks to learn how to make electric scooters faster. But at the same time, we advise you to follow the legal limits of your area. Also, implementing a few tricks may affect your electric vehicle's warranty. For this, you may consult the company or seller of your electric scooter so you get related information in advance.

To maintain your safety, you must opt for riding practices with responsibility.

Tricks for Making Your Electric Scooter Go Faster

Here are a few tricks to make your electric scooter go faster than usual:

Trick 1: Optimize Tire Pressure

Electric scooters may vary in speed due to the pressure in their tires. You can feel more friction in tires that are low on pressure, and as a result, your e-scooter may reach its highest speed after long intervals. So, low tire pressure can also affect the range of an electric scooter. 

On the flip side, if the tire pressure exceeds the recommended value, you will experience a drop in friction and a boost in speed. Additionally, if the tires are more prominent, their surface area increases, and better traction is felt, enhancing your vehicle's speed and efficiency.

You can determine the correct tire pressure for your e-scooter by consulting with the owner's manual, which states the correct PSI. Or you can find the proper tire pressure on the tire's sidewall. For your information, the average tire pressure that is recommended is 50 PSI.

There is a direct relation of pressure with the range of an electric scooter. So if you inflate the tire to a recommended pressure, you ensure minimum contact between the driving surface and the tire.

To better understand this, we recommend you read the article "How Does Tire Pressure Affect Your Electric Scooter Range?"

Trick 2: Shift to Sports Mode


You may notice certain brands where you can find multiple riding modes. It helps you to shuffle between speeds as per the terrain. Always note that the higher the speed you choose you will drain the battery faster. As an example for your reference, we will consider "Hiboy Pro max," a new release by Hiboy.

In this e-scooter, you can find three riding modes: ECO, an energy-saving mode; D, a drive mode; and S, a sports mode or the fastest mode. So, to get the maximum speed from your Hiboy E scooter, you can shift to S mode and enjoy its speedy performance.

Trick 3: Remove the Speed Limiter

Sometimes, some manufacturers sell their e-vehicles with speed limits to gain the thresholds of legal speeds. So, if you want to increase your speed and fly high while remaining on roads, it is better to get these speed limiters removed. 

You can start by removing or unplugging the wire, limiting your speed. While in some models, you can gain speed by making a hard reset to the software controlling the speed mechanism. Alternatively, if the manufacturer has given access to an app, you can download it, look for the prompt 'unlock speed,' and tap on it. 

Trick 4: Update the Controller Firmware

If you are planning to go for an update of the controller firmware of your e-scooter, then you must know that it can permanently damage it. Also, it can make the manufacturer's warranty void after you make any modifications. 

Once you have decided to go for this procedure, you must ensure you can access custom updates for your e-bike's model on your mobile using the built-in app. Many latest e-scooters come with a technology that allows any modifications in settings for your e-bike, enabling you to have access to firmware upgrades by the manufacturer. 

However, you must note that after upgrading your controller firmware, there is no looking back, and you cannot reverse its settings. 

Trick 5: Upgrade Your Battery

You can also do a battery upgrade to make modifications in speed. You must note that if you use any battery other than the original one, it may spoil your e-scooter and make your manufacturer's warranty void. 

Also, using a battery with a higher voltage than the intended one may damage the electronic motor and other components due to overheating. But if you want to reach a top speed but your battery level is at 10%, you can go for an upgrade. 


With our mentioned tips and tricks, you will be able to increase the speed of your e-scooter. You can opt for optimization of the tire pressure of your e-bike, or you can try shifting to the Sports mode of your e-bike. If these tricks do not work, you can remove the speed limiter in your e-bike or try updating the controller firmware or battery of your e-bike. 

You can apply any of the mentioned tricks to modify electric scooters but also keep in mind to adhere to laws and regulations set by local authorities.

You can apply all or any of the suggested tips and tricks to increase the speed of your e-scooter but keep in mind the safety and legal aspects not to get yourself in danger.